AX_RecptCAEnt Data Dictionary

Expanded Definitions and Descriptions

Original Column Name Expanded Column Name Description
RecptCAEntID Recipient CA Entry Details This column stores the details of the specific entry within the Recipient Certificate Authority (CA) records.
CAID Certificate Authority Identifier This column holds the unique identifier associated with a Certificate Authority (CA), which is part of the system's security infrastructure.
DescX Description X This column provides a textual description or notes about the row entry, adding context or relevant information as needed.
IsActive Is Active This field indicates whether the record is currently active (true) or inactive (false) within the system.
IsActiveDate Activation Date This field records the date on which the record was activated or the status was changed to active.
RecptID Recipient Identifier This column contains the unique identifier for the recipient in the context of the health system, which could refer to a patient, provider, or other entities.
RecptTypeID Recipient Type Identifier This column identifies the type of recipient, such as whether they are a patient, healthcare provider, employee, etc.
ZUChkSum ZU Check Sum This column contains a checksum used to verify the data integrity within the system's audit logs, ensuring that the data has not been tampered with.
ZUDate ZU Date The date and time stamp related to the Zero User (ZU) actions, often used for system-generated audit logs tracking changes made automatically or by system administrators.
ZULogonHisID ZU Logon History Identifier This field stores the unique identifier for a logon session associated with a Zero User (ZU), used in monitoring and auditing system access.